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Interviewing in Hong Kong During Covid

Posted by Phil Aldridge on March 22, 2022


With the Hong Kong Government asking all the population to reduce their interactions with others and impose strict limits on any sort of gathering this raises interesting dilemmas around interviewing, particularly the process of first round interviews.

As business owners, managers, and senior HR staff we all need to employ staff and the first part of that process is to interview potential candidates.  Normally after you have advertised you will receive lots of applicants and then process them down to a manageable list of potential candidates who you will ask to interview in person for their first-round interview.


This is where the problem starts.

  1. Do you really want to meet 10’s of candidates who after the first few minutes you know are not suitable for the position available?  Normally you still have to continue with the interview.
  2. Do candidates really want to keep coming to all these first-round interviews where for many of them they won’t be put forward to the next round.
  3. Does the HKSAR Government want all these candidates walking around offices going to all these first-round interviews and walking past people they would not normally be near to.
  4. Do your staff want strangers coming to the office who they don’t know and have no idea on their health status regarding Covid.
  5. If you company has multiple stakeholders in the employment process, do you really need to have the candidate, come to multiple interviews to meet them all.

All of the above scenarios are aspects of the first-round interview process that should be a concern for the employer, employees, candidate and the HKSAR Government.  This process increases interactions between people and increases the risk of the spread of Covid19.

As an employer there is no legislation around whether a candidate needs to be vaccinated or tested before they come to your office for the interview.


Whilst not designed to resolve these issues, HRTech International has developed the HRPod and The SmartCV solutions that actually, whilst doing what they were designed to, also help companies to resolve the above issues.

The HRPod is a concierge first round interview solution where candidates do not need to come to your office to interact with you or your employees.  They attend a contactless interview through our automated AI driven interview in a controlled and sterilised environment that delivers you, the employer, an SmartCV which gives you visibility on the candidate in terms of outlook, language, emotions, personality etc which can be shared amongst all stakeholders.

Once you, the employer, has reviewed all the SmartCV’s you can decide which 2 or 3 candidates you actually want to interview in person as a final interview with a view to making an offer to 1 of them.

This contactless, secure, safe solution helps you; your employees and all stakeholders meet the demands of employment during the ever-changing environment of living with Covid without affecting your business.

If you would like to try our solution a free trial, please reach out to Phil Aldridge on +852 62770800 to discuss how we can help you.

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Phil Aldridge

Written by Phil Aldridge
